
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Science Ed in trouble 

Big discussion on Science Ed on ABCTV .
I guess i don't exactly know the answer or rather  that there is "one ". I do think kids don't know whats good for them,  but we now tell em they do, and that this is a mistake  . I didn't find maths and science easy,  but I did it because everyone I trusted said it was the thing to aim for -  still is . Want a good interesting and inspiring job -  but you have to work at it. Like Test cricket - the fun bit you have to wait for!
The public are also less patient than a previous generation . Polys aren't the only ones to pull science away from the blue sky with their addiction to drug therapy  . 
The public think science is there for results ( even ABC TV science programs reinforces that -- its a bit like football)
 The quangos and CRC's tend to reinforce the short term ,( adding layers of irresponsibility that should be "just removed"; not that they created the problem -just that they have to run with it  )   The results focus with the silo oreintation of CRC's have little real incentive whatsoever for objectivity in results. Big subject for some other time /place. 

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